The Trivia Hound

310. 5 Days of Christmas Countdown

Jim & Nora got #309!

#19. My ten year old says this movie was stupid.

| posted by John, 8:05 AM


Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

I've never seen it myself, nor plan to cause I'm sure Sheridan's right.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:11 AM  
Come on, you ought to see it once!
Blogger John, at 8:12 AM  
My wife loves Christmas movies, so she has a collection. I'm putting Santa Claus Conquers the Martians in her stocking. The DVD cost $1.99 at K Mart. We've never seen it, but I've heard it's the worst Christmas movie ever made.
Blogger Jim, at 1:11 PM  
I'm glad someone besides me is supporting B-movies! Look for the air duct in the airlock(!) and the very fake bear. Everyone should see it once.
Blogger John, at 7:31 PM  

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