The Trivia Hound


Our tour of Bronze Age Egypt continues. While wandering among the wine merchants I ran into this odd looking man. I think he is a sommelier or perhaps a jester. Any ideas?

| posted by John, 7:00 PM


Wow, this is a tough one!!! :)
Thank you; I was going for that. :-P
Blogger John, at 8:06 PM  
Good gosh, John - give us meer mortals a chance. Are we going for a profession rather than who this character is? Or their part in some movie?
A profession? A barber??? NO-- wait, a bath attendant. That's my guess.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:13 PM  
Just joshing about the bath! Doubtful one would wear gloves for a bath.
I know nothing about wine merchants.
mom (again)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:48 PM  
No hints from me until tomorrow.
Blogger John, at 8:48 PM  
I know it sounds absurd, but he sort of looks like Hugh Grant... I wonder if he's a broadway/play character. And those are garters he's wearing to hold up his socks....?

I would guess this to be an Irish fellow..
GFT, one of the three directions you're going in is correct!
Blogger John, at 10:02 PM  
He's a Greek theater performer

Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:03 PM  
Blogger John, at 10:12 PM  
Que?? I no speak no Greek.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:13 PM  
Γιατί όχι;
Blogger John, at 10:21 PM  
pubblicita del vino -- eh?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:33 PM  
No -- non è quello oscuro.
Blogger John, at 10:50 PM  
I bet you're right! John owns that movie.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:57 PM  
We have a winnah! Thanks, Denis!

There I was, standing in front of a vine.
I picked some grapes and I crushed them to wine.
I gave some to Pharaoh, who drank from my cup.
I tried to interpret but I had to give up.
Blogger John, at 11:00 PM  
Kudos to Denis -- I'd have never got that one! Didn't see that movie. Maybe I should. I thought it might be a wine commercial - lol
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:09 PM  
Watcha gonna do now Napoleon? Post a new one for tomorrow?

Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:12 PM  
The Butler was pharoah's cup-bearer. "Sommelier" was supposed to be a hint. According to the story, for those who don't already know it, Joseph met pharoah's cup-bearer while imprisoned in Egypt. This character is from a musical retelling of the story with Donny Osmond and Liz Taylor that's, um, colorful. It's fun to watch and has some catchy tunes:

"Poor, poor, Joseph, what'cha gonna do?
What'cha gonna do when they come for you?"

Wait...that's not it...
Blogger John, at 11:14 PM  
Oh, all right... Bonus round!
Blogger John, at 11:20 PM  

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