The Trivia Hound


Thanks to DesiLinguist for introducing me to the sorceress! Turns out I'm not her type. I saw this next person riding in a chariot and everyone was staying clear. Who is this?

| posted by John, 8:35 PM


He's the evil ruler from the Stargate movie! Did I get it?? Do I win an honorable mention in your blog? :-P

Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:20 PM  
That was quick! :-P
Blogger John, at 11:29 PM  
That's it? That's a guy? Well, so much for that one.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:33 PM  
Woohoo!! {Snoopy dance}

Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:36 PM  
Do you remember the character's name? And what other movie featured his staff?
Blogger John, at 11:37 PM  
Nope and I'm not going to google it either! My guess is Time Traveler or Stargate II: Revisited (I made that up)

Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:43 PM  
I'll still give you ID credit. But that gives other players something to answer!

What's this character's name and what unrelated movie features his staff?
Blogger John, at 11:50 PM  
Raiders of the Lost Ark? The Mummy?


That's it for me. Going to bed. Goodnight! xoxo
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:57 PM  
I called it! I win!! Nobody else is playing.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:11 AM  
I know, right? Where is everybody? Maybe someone will have answered it by the time I put up the next person....
Blogger John, at 1:37 PM  
No takers? The name we were looking for is Ra. And the Staff of Ra was a key item in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Blogger John, at 1:25 PM  

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