The Trivia Hound

70: 1183

Thanks DesiLinguist (and Mom) for help with #69! Thirteen years have passed. King Henry II held court in France this Christmas at Chinon Castle and I was privileged to attend. Soap operas have nothing on this family. Henry is trying to decide which of his sons should succeed him. He favors the youngest, John, and is trying ot convince John to marry his own mistress, a daughter of the King of France. The queen was once Queen of France herself, and had travelled with the crusaders, tending to the injured. For the past ten years, though, Henry has kept her under house arrest for attempting to overthrow him in favor of her son Richard. The gossip columns would have a field day!

| posted by John, 7:55 PM


Katherine Hepburn in the Lion in Winter.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:37 PM  
Yes! But that was so quick you forgot to put your name to it!

And the Queen's name?
Blogger John, at 8:39 PM  
Yep! Shoot, I'm too late. I knew this one, too! That went quick!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:40 PM  
Well...thanks anonymous! Next time put up a name & I'll give you top billing on the question that follows it.
Blogger John, at 8:42 PM  
Dammit !! My all time favorite movie and I miss this !! Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Right you are!

I've toyed with the idea of making the posts at set times, but I think the randomness of the posting schedule probably helps keep things interesting.

Stay tuned--most of the 13th Century looks to be vary familiar, and I suspect most of them will go fast!
Blogger John, at 10:12 PM  

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