The Trivia Hound

98. October 12, 1492

Thanks Amy for answering 97!

A hero to some, a villain to more: if this man lived today and committed the same acts, he would be awaiting trial in The Hague. Time has a way of distorting one's perspective.

| posted by John, 3:17 PM


Good guess, but he won't be born for 150 years, and this man was far, far more influential on history.
Blogger John, at 4:04 PM  
Gerard Depardieu as Columbus in 1492 ?
That's right, Desi!
Blogger John, at 5:47 PM  
I'm late! Didn't know movie, but I knew who this was.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:37 PM  
Finally settled down enough to look at this game again and I KNEW this one!! And I'm too late.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:40 PM  

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