The Trivia Hound

250. Concord, Mass., 1863

Jim got #249!

This is the TriviaHound's 250th question! Recognize this famous family?

| posted by John, 12:33 PM


Little Women

Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:08 PM  
Susan Sarandon, Wynona Rider, Trini Alvarado, looks like Kirsten Dust and maybe Claire (sp?) Danes, but not sure.

Trinia Alvarado was in movie Stella with Bettle Middler. It's the movie I've mentioned to you before.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:10 PM  
oops! Me again, meant to type Bette Middler

Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:12 PM  
I take it you've seen this one!
Blogger John, at 1:27 PM  
Actually I haven't, but I recognized the movie and everyone in it.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:51 PM  
These ladies are the March girls.
Blogger Jim, at 7:42 PM  

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