The Trivia Hound

380. France, 1915

DesiLinguist & Jim got #379!

These British troops discover a German trench where the demons of war yet linger.

| posted by John, 2:19 PM


I don't know any of these. Wake me when the war's over. :-P

Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:13 PM  
Is that Bruce Willis back in time in 12 Monkeys?
Blogger Jim, at 8:09 PM  
This was a hard one. Deathwatch (2002) with Jamie Bell as Pvt Shakespeare and Hugo Speer as Sgt. Tate. The actors aren't well known, but this was a horror movie and my "demons of war" comment was a hint as to what's out there in the trenches with them.
Blogger John, at 10:04 PM  

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