The Trivia Hound

520. U.S., 1936

Jim got #519!

The subject of yet another "Trial of the Century." (Are you keeping up with those?) His case will bounce around the courts until 1986, fifty years after his death.

| posted by John, 11:01 AM


This is Bruno Hauptmann who supposedly took Charles Lindergh's baby.
Blogger Jim, at 1:18 PM  
Right; though some questions remain as to his guilt.
Blogger John, at 3:18 PM  
Didn't Sir Anthony Hopkins play Hauptmann in a movie early in his career ? I don't remember the name now.
You have a good memory. It was The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case, a made-for-TV movie in 1976.
Blogger John, at 2:31 PM  

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