The Trivia Hound

614. Tobruk, 1943

Jim got #613!

After the fall of Tobruk last year, this man was captured by Nazis and brutally interrogated. Now he wants revenge on the one who supplied the Nazis with the maps that helped them take Tobruk. He doesn't know it yet, but Fate has already beat him to it.

| posted by John, 9:55 AM


This Willem Dafoe.
Blogger Jim, at 10:57 AM  
Yes, but I'm a little surprised no one named the movie yet.
Blogger John, at 1:00 PM  
"Triumph of the Spirit?"
Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:02 PM  
No... Willem Dafoe played Caravaggio in The English Patient. A picture of Ralph Fiennes would have made it too easy. Caravaggio sought revenge on Count Almasy for giving the maps to the Nazis. By the time he finds Almasy, of course, he has been terribly burned and is about to die anyway. Almasy says, "You can’t kill me; I died long ago."

You can't see it but I'm rolling my eyes.
Blogger John, at 3:03 PM  

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