The Trivia Hound

687. Dec. 1947

Roy got #686!

Say kids! What time is it? (and if you don't know, ask any Boomer).

| posted by John, 7:43 AM


Howdy Doody time!

Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:51 AM  
It's Howdy Doody Time,
It's Howdy Doody Time!
Bob Smith and Howdy Do
Say "Howdy Do" to you.
Let's give a rousing cheer,
Cause Howdy Doody's here.
It's time to start the show,
So kids let's go!
Puppet Playhouse first aired in December 1947. Howdy Doody didn't appear in the first three episodes, and initially he didn't have the familiar look, but it didn't take long to morph into The Howdy Doody Show. It ran for 13 years.
Blogger John, at 8:08 AM  
So is that where the puppet below comes from?

Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:24 AM  
No. He's from a totally different show.
Blogger John, at 8:33 AM  
Jim must be on vacation.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:48 AM  
He said he was going out of town--for a month, I think. So it's up to the rest of you to carry on...

Jim! Thou shouldst be blogging at this hour. TriviaHound hath need of thee....
Blogger John, at 8:53 AM  

Oh, the pressure!!

(Psst....give us some easy ones dangit!)

Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:56 AM  
Take heart, we're moving on today (to 1948!)
Blogger John, at 9:02 AM  

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