The Trivia Hound

710. U.S., June 1951

Nora got #709!

Apparently Hollywood finds little of interest in early 1951--we have to go to the second half of the year before things really start happening. Before we start the movies, note that it's been ten years since we introduced the world's first fully functional, freely programmable computer. And now we have the first commecially available computer.

| posted by John, 5:24 AM


Is this UNIVAC ?
Blogger Jim, at 8:00 AM  
The UNIVAC I Mainframe Computer, to be exact
Right! The first UNIVAC was purchased by the US Census Bureau. You can read about it here.
Blogger John, at 1:17 PM  
By 1951, one has to start to look beyond Hollywood. For instance, in that year, Kurosawa made Rashomon.
Blogger Jim, at 2:51 PM  
Yes, but even there, Rashomon wasn't released in the U.S. until December 26.
Blogger John, at 7:03 PM  

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