The Trivia Hound

728. U.S., Sept. 1952

Jim got #727!

Here's another new show!

| posted by John, 11:17 PM


of the Honeymooners. :-)

Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:46 AM  
You nailed it, Bubba!
(In yo' face, Jim!) :)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:47 AM  
Is this some kind of challenge, Nora ? I actually like it when you get one or two of these; competition is healthy.
Blogger Jim, at 6:28 AM  
Hi Jim, that third comment wasn't mine (even though they posted right after I did). Promise. :-)

I'm still around though, I just don't know many of the old movies. I know, I know, they're great - at least I hear that all the time from John.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:17 AM  
We have a new poster! Thanks, Righteous Bubba!

Jim: Anonymous is just jealous!
Blogger John, at 8:29 AM  
John, is Blogger acting up? I've been trying to comment on #729, but I only get a message that says URL not found.
Blogger Jim, at 10:18 AM  
By the way, I notice no one identified this actor - maybe they forgot it's Art Carney.
Blogger Jim, at 11:38 AM  
Blogger has been acting up for me a lot lately! Half the time I try to post I can't even get in!

Art Carney is right! Here's an obscure '70s TV trivia Art Carney reference: who wanted Art Carney to endorse her boss's famous chili and call it "Chili con Carney"?
Blogger John, at 2:21 PM  
On the show Alice, Vera tries to get her distant cousin, Art Carney, to endorse mel's Chili as Chili Con Carney.
Blogger Jim, at 5:25 PM  
Chili con Carney! HA! That's just hilarious!

Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:05 PM  
That's the one!
Blogger John, at 10:00 PM  

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