The Trivia Hound

756. U.S., Feb. 1955

Jim got #755!

Who's this?

| posted by John, 7:46 AM


I grew up with this guy in Chicago - Richard J. Daley Sr.He was the perpetual Democratic Political Machine candidate, but he always won.

I never thought his son would make it to Mayor, because it took him three or four tries to pass the bar, but he's actually done some enlightened things environmentally for Chicago.
Blogger Jim, at 8:44 AM  
Thanks, Jim! Hopefully I'll pass the bar on the first try. Maybe then I can be mayor to! :-P
Blogger John, at 10:45 AM  
You'll be great John. You're sharp and you have a good sense of humor. You'll need it.
Blogger Jim, at 1:37 PM  

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