The Trivia Hound

763. U.S., Oct. 1955

Jim got #762!

October 1955 introduced two new and enduring children's shows. Here's one.

| posted by John, 7:50 AM


Hugh Brannum played Mr. Greenjeans and Bob Keeshan played Captain Kangaroo.

Appropriately enough, Keeshan also played a famous, non-speaking part on the premier national children's show before Captain Kangaroo, Puppet Playhouse aka The Howdy Doody Show. He was Clarabel the Clown who "spoke" only with a bicycle horn, that is, until the last episode, when he said, "Goodbye, kids."
Blogger Jim, at 9:52 AM  
By the way, John, it's not too hard to figure out the other major children's TV show that began in 1955. If it's the one I'm thinking of, I watched it religiously every day after school.
Blogger Jim, at 9:59 AM  
Right you are, Jim! I was a Captain Kangaroo kid.

Let's see if you were right about the other show!
Blogger John, at 7:16 PM  

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