The Trivia Hound

764. U.S., Oct. 1955

Jim got #763!

Here's the second children's show that premiered in October 1955.

| posted by John, 7:17 PM


That's the one ! This is Mouseketeer Annette Funicello on Mickey Mouse Club.
Blogger Jim, at 8:33 PM  
Later on, Annette will use her influence with the Boomers to push Skippy peanut butter...
Blogger John, at 8:54 PM  
Annette was oh so big in those Beach Party movies with Frankie Avalon. Sadly, Annette has developed multiple sclerosis and is a shadow of her former self.
Blogger Jim, at 9:25 PM  
They say she was hand-picked by Walt Disney himself! Annette was a class act. Certain other ex-Disney women should take a lesson!
Blogger John, at 11:23 PM  

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