The Trivia Hound

773. Cambridge, 1956

Jim got #772!

Their story proves that two poets should probably never date.

| posted by John, 8:42 PM


Wow, I can't believe this is still going. How do you come up with this stuff?

That looks like Gwyneth Paltrow to me.

Would this be the movie "Sylvia" with Gwyneth and is that Daniel Craig?
Hey, GFT! Welcome back; we haven't heard from you since 1891! We are indeed going strong--we'll be entering 1957 soon.

It is indeed Sylvia, with Gwyneth as Sylvia Plath and Daniel Craig as Ted Hughes. We'll be hearing from Ted again, but this is Sylvia Plath's cameo.

As for how I come up with this stuff, it's a combination of memory, inspiration, and whim. Search not for a master list, for there is none!
Blogger John, at 11:14 PM  

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