The Trivia Hound

780. IBM, Apr. 1957

Thanks Melissa, DesiLinguist, and Jim for #779!

We haven't done a computer question in a while, so this one is for the computer nerds: Another huge event in the tech world occurred in April 1957 thanks to the efforts of this IBM employee. He's not well known, but generations of computer operators spoke his language.

| posted by John, 10:44 PM


This should be John Backus, part of the team that developed FORTRAN.
Blogger Jim, at 12:42 AM  
That's right! The first successful high-level programming language, Fortran was the lingua franca of computers in the 1960s and '70s. Fifty years later, it is still in use, with an update version scheduled for release in 2008.
Blogger John, at 8:59 AM  

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