The Trivia Hound

813. California, Fall 1959

Jim got #812! He's rockin' and rollin' the '50s...

This one may go quickly!

Then again, maybe not!

Maybe this one will help!

| posted by John, 7:28 AM


This one's a stopper for me. The only big cartoon that came out in 1959 that I know of was Sleeping Beauty.

This one looks like it's from Bambi Meets Brigitte Bardot.
Blogger Jim, at 9:45 AM  
Is it possible that this is from a Fractured Fairytale on Rocky and Bullwinkle? That show debuted in 1959.
Blogger Jim, at 9:50 AM  
Nope, but it does have that look, doesn't it?
Blogger John, at 12:36 PM  
The Rydell banner tells me it's Grease.
Blogger Jim, at 8:30 PM  
Yay! I was starting to sweat this one. The credits to Grease were animated. Naturally it was my favorite part as a youngster.
Blogger John, at 8:37 PM  
The guys who wrote Grease went to my high school in Chicago, but two years before me. At my school we had the greasers of course, but we also had an equally large group of preppy types we called doopers.
Blogger Jim, at 9:52 PM  

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