The Trivia Hound

862. U.S., Sept. 1962

Nora got #861!

Looks like the new recruit is getting a dressing down!

| posted by John, 3:32 PM


Steven Furst as Flounder is being yelled at by Mark Metcalf as Niedermayer in Animal House.
Blogger Jim, at 3:47 PM  
A pledge pin? On your uniform? What kind of a man are you?

I've had this one in the queue for several months, and every time I see it, it makes me laugh. There are some great moments in this film. Thanks, Jim!

Neidermeyer made a cameo in Twisted Sister's video "We're Not Gonna Take It," and some of the other characters from Animal House appeared in Sorority Boys. Um, or so I heard....
Blogger John, at 7:13 PM  
No fun of any kind.
Blogger Jim, at 6:25 AM  
That admonition is from Dean Wormser to John Belushi's fraternity.
Blogger Jim, at 11:09 AM  

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