The Trivia Hound

886. U.K., Nov. 23, 1963

Jim got #885!

This will be our last post under the old Blogger since they're forcing me to "upgrade." Keep your fingers crossed! Meanwhile, who's this?

| posted by John, 1:10 AM


Is this Threads?
Blogger Jim, at 9:52 AM  
There's really nothing wrong with the new Blogger, except that the BlogHeads didn't make it seamlessly compatible with the older version. Consequently, I have to perform an extra click when I comment on Trivia Hound. If I forget to go to my beta account, I have to rewrite my comment (which I just had to do on this one).
Blogger Jim, at 11:55 AM  
Not Threads.
Blogger John, at 5:51 PM  
This is Doctor Who. I thought the Police Box (the TARDIS) would give it away.
Blogger John, at 12:40 PM  

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