The Trivia Hound

911. U.S., Jan. 1965

Jim got #910! And Nora recognized LBJ!

The Warren Report came out a few months ago, and now that people have had a chance to study it, some people just aren't buying its conclusions.

| posted by John, 7:15 AM


Kevin Costner as Jim Garrison examines a model of Dealey Plaza in Oliver Stone's JFK.
Blogger Jim, at 7:56 AM  
I learned that Jack Kennedy had been shot as I traveled between classes in Taft High School. As I passed the library ,I noticed that they had several television sets(black and white) turned on. They almost never ran TV in the library, so I knew something was afoot. We were told the President's been shot and he might be dead.
Blogger Jim, at 8:07 AM  
Right, Jim! You had more than one TV in your library? We didn't have any.
Blogger John, at 8:26 AM  

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