The Trivia Hound

926. Vietnam, Nov. 1965

Jim got #925!

This reporter embedded with the troops may soon have to carry a gun instaed of a camera.

| posted by John, 5:59 PM


I think this is Barry Pepper in We Were Soldiers Then.
Blogger Jim, at 6:34 PM  
Right, Jim! But I think the title is just We Were Soldiers. We'll leave Vietnam for a while, but we'll be back several times!
Blogger John, at 7:12 PM  
Yes, Mel Gibson shortened the title. The original book was We Were Soldiers Once... And Young. I tried to read it, but I became exasperated with it when I realized it was the true story of a small American force that attempts to fight against many, many thousands of Viet Cong surrounding them. It seemed foolish.

By my count, that's ten correct guesses in a row.
Blogger Jim, at 8:05 PM  
I count the same; 10 in a row! I think this is a new record...
Blogger John, at 11:37 PM  

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