The Trivia Hound

927. Mass., Dec. 1965

Jim is 10 in a row!

No one remembers the 60s like Jim! Will he be the first to identify this film as well?

| posted by John, 9:10 AM


Sure, that's Hayley Mills, John's daughter.
Blogger Jim, at 10:15 AM  
She's stroking That Darn Cat.
Blogger Jim, at 10:17 AM  
That makes eleven!
Blogger John, at 6:08 PM  
You have such a nice site and such a clever sensibility that it's a shame that more people don't know about your efforts, John.
Blogger Jim, at 7:07 PM  
Thanks, Jim! According to my site meter, there are at least 19,216 people who have seen it at least once. Perhaps they're all shy.
Blogger John, at 9:08 PM  

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