The Trivia Hound

930. Jan. 1966

Jim is 13 in a row!

Against his better judgment, the Suit is trying to coax the Playboy out of retirement.

| posted by John, 5:06 PM


Anybody out there ? This one shows Lee J. Cobb and James Coburn as Derek Flint in Our Man Flint.Duh-duh -duh, duh-duh-dah, duh-duh-dah-dah dah. Nice ringtone.
Blogger Jim, at 5:25 PM  
Looks like it's just us!

One time I found that ringtone, but I didn't download it. I figured most people wouldn't recognize it anyway...
Blogger John, at 5:39 PM  
There is a kind of cultural literacy that most people don't possess. They may know passionately who the current crop is on American Idol, but not too much else.

They know the music that was popular when they they were teens, but after that, they stop finding anything new.
Blogger Jim, at 7:41 AM  

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