The Trivia Hound

968. Undisclosed location, Oct. 1967

Jim got #967!

This former spy from the UK has been brought against his will to a strange and surreal island village.

| posted by John, 6:19 AM


Patrick McGoohan as The Prisoner. Those floppy balloons bouncing over the grassy hills of the English countryside were the stupidest villains I'd ever seen.
Blogger Jim, at 8:04 AM  
Apparently McGoohan was one of your favorites, John. It appears that he was filming Danger Man and The Prisoner in the same years, '67 and '68.
Blogger Jim, at 8:08 AM  
I thought he left the one to do the other. And to be totally honest, I never saw this show. I just heard about it.
Blogger John, at 9:37 PM  
Orwellian dystopia. Really, the stupid giant floppy balloons (like weather ballons) I mentioned bounced along the ground when a prisoner tried to escape the village and enveloped them. Very silly, not malevolent as intended.
Blogger Jim, at 8:01 AM  
Giant killer floppy balloons... sorry I missed that!
Blogger John, at 11:06 PM  

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