The Trivia Hound

1,006. L.A., Sep. 1969

Jim got #1,005!

Oh look, here's another doctor show!

| posted by John, 5:28 AM


This one shows James Daly (Dr. Lochner) and Chad Everett (Dr. Joe Gannon) who were the regulars on Medical Center.
Blogger Jim, at 6:51 AM  
Right, Jim! This one I don't remember seeing much in reruns. No, need, I guess, with all the doctor shows out now. What is the deal with doctor shows... it seems to me that they've pretty much explored all this territory by now, right?

I wonder if you just started redoing Medical Center, changing only the names and the wording here and there, how long would it be before someone caught on.
Blogger John, at 10:01 PM  
If you have the right cast, it would sell. My daughter enjoys Grey's Anatomy mostly because it features hunky Patrick Dempsey.
Blogger Jim, at 7:06 AM  

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