The Trivia Hound

1,010. UCLA, Oct. 1969

Jim got #1,009!

This log entry records a monumental event. There should have been reporters present, but 30 years must pass before its import will be fully realized.

| posted by John, 5:53 AM


This appears to be some notes from Leonard Kleinrock, the UCLA professor who sent the first message host-to-host as on the Internet, or as our President calls it, "the internets."

He (Professor Kleinrock) tried to send the single word "log" on AARPANET, but the whole system crashed before he got to the "g." However, this was apparently the first instance of one computer communicating with another, which is what we are doing right now. log.
Blogger Jim, at 6:09 AM  
Right, Jim! These two computers were the first in the ARPANET. In effect, the birth of the Internet! It will be a while before we get our first spam, though!
Blogger John, at 5:56 AM  

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