The Trivia Hound

1,011. Cambodia, 1969

Jim got #1,010!

No introductions needed...

| posted by John, 5:43 AM


I think this is Martin Sheen as Captain Willard sent to find Kurtz in Apocalypse Now.
Blogger Jim, at 11:44 AM  
He doesn't look too presidential in this still.
Blogger Jim, at 11:45 AM  
Yup. This scene with him coming up out of the water is one of the two scenes that stuck with me. Of course, the other is the napalmed village with the Doors playing in the background. I was disappointed with Kurtz, though.
Blogger John, at 6:49 PM  
Apocalypse Now is a strange concoction of Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Michael Herr's Dispatches. The Herr book is certainly the best book about Vietnam that I've read, and in the film, most of the spooky, crazy, bizarre elements are from Herr's factual reporting.
Blogger Jim, at 8:02 PM  

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