The Trivia Hound

1,026. At the Movies, Summer, 1970

Nora & Jim got #1,025!

This is the first film that I know of to tackle the touchy subject of gender modification. For all the efforts this film made to be controversial--and there were many--it has largely been forgotten.

| posted by John, 6:33 PM


Rex Reed and Raquel Welch in Myra Breckinridge.
Right, Jim! In about 35 years TransAmerica will be released and called "groundbreaking." I admit, it's not the some kind of movie, but still... people have short memories.
Blogger John, at 10:09 PM  
Yes John. This one was Gore Vidal at his most goofy. I think TransAmerica was a more serious look at character, if I remember correctly.

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