The Trivia Hound

1,040. Jan. 1, 1971

Jim got #1,039!

Virginia Slims is airing the last legal ad for cigarettes on TV tonight. It's the end of an era. Sure their products destroy your health, but you gotta respect their marketing machine! Even Fred and Wilma smoked! To commemorate the end of smoking ads on TV, who can tell me which cigarette(s) this ad might be for:

Come to where the flavor is, where particular people congregate. Our cigarettes are made by tobacco men, not medicine men, so they taste good like a cigarette should! In fact, our cigarettes are so alive with pleasure it's as if they are crying out, "Taste me, taste me, c'mon and taste me!" You'd walk a mile for one of these, even if it is just a silly millimeter longer, and you'd rather fight than switch. That's right, you've come a long way, baby. You got taste, and this cigarette is pure gold.

| posted by John, 10:48 PM


Here goes:
Winston "tastes good like a cigarette should"
Virginia Slims- "you've come along way baby"
Newports are "alive with pleasure"
"I'd walk a mile for a Camel"
Old Gold "taste me, taste me" and "tobacco men, not medicine men"
Tareytons- "rather fight than switch"
Chesterfield 101s- "silly millimeter longer"
Benson and Hedges - "pure gold"
Blogger Jim, at 6:33 AM  
Two more I forgot :

Winston - "come to where the flavor is"
Pall Mall - "Wherever particular people congregate"
Blogger Jim, at 6:38 AM  
Well done! There's one more buried in there, but it's from the '90s.

When I was a kid you could buy candy cigarettes and bubblegum cigars at the candy store! That seems twisted now, but no one thought anything of it at the time.
Blogger John, at 12:21 PM  
Right ! I remember some candy cigarettes that were like tubes that you could blow powdered sugar out of to imitate the smoke.
How cool is that? Mine were waxy white sticks with red tips so they looked lit.
Blogger John, at 6:18 PM  
Yes, those actually tasted pretty good, so we wouldn't spend more than about 10 seconds looking cool with one hanging out of our mouths before we gobbled them up. And those bubblegum seegars were bright pink !
Blogger Jim, at 6:19 AM  

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